Building Back Better: Principles for sustainable resource use in a wellbeing economy

Living through a global pandemic has raised a lot of paradoxes. All the complex systems that govern our lives are shown to be fragile whilst simultaneously, we see how adaptable and resilient people and communities are when faced with life-altering challenges. With our world thrown into turmoil, we are suddenly faced with the harsh reality that we have tried to ignore. This system is not working.

2050 Climate Group was invited to contribute to The Decoupling Advisory Group, to explore how Scotland can reimagine our economic system to address environmental problems caused by over consumption and growth-based economic models. The group acknowledges that green growth ideology and policy does not guarantee a ‘fair’ recovery, nor has it shown evidence of reducing resource use fast enough to prevent climate and ecological breakdown.

In this initial report, the group has presented a set of Green Recovery policy principles for resource use within a wellbeing economy. This report provides a first step, outlining the actions that should be taken to Build Back Better.

Read the report here.